Hi, I’m Oriana

I help entrepreneurs streamline & automate their businesses so they can get back to their zone of genius.

I see you. You’re a successful entrepreneur who’s overwhelmed by having to manage “all the things” to keep your business running.

You might feel frustrated or burned out by the tech needed to run your business.

What if I helped you put the right tech in place so you don’t have to think about it anymore?

A Little More About Me

When I’m not working in front of a computer, I’m a mom to many, and a wife to one. I love to cook, hate to dust, and HAVE TO meal plan. If you open my phone at any moment, you may or may not find 16 tabs open of just recipes to try.

I’m a firm believer that every day needs to start with a great, strong cup of coffee. My husband and I are always on a search for the next best coffee when we travel abroad.

I’m 5’ 2.5” tall (don’t you dare take that 1/2” away from me) and I’ve been described as an Extroverted Introvert.

My sense of humor is dry. Sarcasm is like a food group; it’s necessary for survival in my world. I love all things Schitt’s Creek, Seinfeld & The Office.

Professionally Speaking

I went to school for engineering and graduated with a Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Engineering & Management. My love for figuring out how things work, how to take them apart, make them better, or just plain make them by myself, from scratch, started when I was about 5 or 6. That itch never went away.

After fumbling through my 20's I realized I love tinkering with and improving business processes within software. Sprinkle in some spreadsheets, charts & graphs, and a HUGE dose of automation, and I was in heaven.

Fast forward to the COVID-19 Pandemic and I found Online Business Management. I fell in love and was certified in the summer of 2021.

I’m a Certified Online Business Manager.

My superpower is streamlining & automating business tech systems to give you back your time.